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Nor-Cal Does the Victory Dance: Crowned 2023 Integrator Leader!


Cue the music, raise the trophy, and get ready to do the Nor-Cal victory dance!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been named the Integrator Leader in the 2023 Solar Leadership in Solar Awards! This prestigious recognition, presented by Solar Power World, acknowledges our dedication to excellence in the solar industry and our commitment to powering a brighter future.


This award wouldn't be possible without the incredible support of our partners at Solar Power World and, of course, YOU! We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who voted for us and who believes in our unending dedication and passion to your solar & storage projects.


Our victory dance isn't just about the award itself, it's about the impact we make. We're all about:

  • Building a team of passionate professionals dedicated to exceeding expectations and providing exceptional service.
  • As America's most trusted SCADA Provider, we deliver the customer experience and support your project requires and deserves.

Here's how our passion for SCADA translates into benefits for our customers:

  • Consistent project execution: We have a proven track record of delivering projects on time and on budget.
  • Exceptional customer service and support: Our team of qualified and experienced subject matter experts is available to support you throughout the entire project lifecycle.
  • Reduced project risk: Our deep understanding of SCADA systems and best practices helps us mitigate risks and ensure the success of your project.
  • Empowered EPC and Asset Owner customers: We provide you with the tools and resources you need to build, operate, and maintain your solar power plants for the long term.
  • Custom, open architecture SCADA solutions: We design and build SCADA systems that are tailored to your specific needs and are scalable to meet your future growth.
  • Long-term ownership in mind: We use high-quality, reliable components and provide comprehensive training and support to ensure that your SCADA system operates smoothly for years to come.

Let’s dance together and lead the way in solar energy innovation. Reach out to chat about your current or future project goals.


Alisyn Gularte

Written by Alisyn Gularte

Here at Nor-Cal, we believe in fostering a positive and collaborative work environment. That's why we've created traditions like Beer Fridays, where employees can unwind, connect with colleagues, and..